The second CoastMIP workshop on large scale coastal flood risk assessment under sea-level rise, held from 10-11 June 2020 in Berlin, Germany at the premises of the Global Climate Forum (GCF).
The coastal impact model inter-comparison project (CoastMIP) is an open, community-driven initiative aimed at generating, comparing and synthesizing policy-relevant information on coastal impacts of climate change and sea-level rise at global and continental scales (called large-scales hereafter) within the framework of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) project. For more information see and
The objectives of the workshop are:
- To update the activities within CoastMIP
- To discuss recent advances in the assessment of current and future large-scale flood hazard, vulnerability, exposure and risk.
- To develop common collaborative research plans for quantifying and reducing the major uncertainties in large scale coastal flood risk through joint modeling experiments and comparisons of results and approaches.
If you are interested, we kindly ask to confirm your participation until 31 January 2020 by sending an e-Mail to one of the contact persons. We will then get back to you for the development of the agenda.